Safety Protocols



  • Special drinks, food, or medicine should not be introduced to other paddlers.

  • No illegal drugs or alcohol are allowed on the voyage. Anyone showing signs of being under the influence will not be allowed to participate.


Pre-Trip Preparation:

  • Eat and hydrate well the day before the voyage.

  • Ensure you are well-rested.

During the Trip:

  • Pay full attention to boat captains during safety briefings.

  • Know the locations of first aid kits, PFDs (personal flotation devices), and other important items.

  • Pack day gear so it is easily accessible.

  • Leaders will give a 5-minute call to crews and canoe.

  • Paddlers will work in a "buddy system."

Water Changes:

  • Call your seat number as you jump from the boat; don’t jump on each other and stay together at all times.

  • Support the canoe on the iako until your seat is open.

  • Leave room for paddlers to exit the canoe and assist those needing help getting in before getting in yourself.

  • After exiting the canoe, assist in holding the iako until the steersman calls for the release.

  • Always stay in a group and count heads. Face the boat with a hand up and wait for the boat to throw the line.

  • If using a throw line, pass it back until the last person has a hold before calling the boat to pull, or use the hand-over-hand line.

  • Call “clear” or “neutral” to the captain before approaching.

  • Always stay clear of propellers. Exit one at a time and don’t get in front of the ladder until it’s clear above.

  • Make sure everyone is accounted for, hydrating, and eating.

  • Unless calm, the canvas must be zipped up at all times.

  • Ensure your shirt is not caught in the zipper and neoprene is up.

  • Do not exchange paddles between the canoe and the boat—use or exchange only what is in the canoe unless previously arranged.

Voyage Float Plan:

  • The plan should include crew names, emails, contact numbers, emergency contacts, list of medications or health issues (e.g., diabetes, food allergies), voyage dates, and time frame. Provide the name and contact number of a land person with the float plan.

General Safety:

  • Safety is #1—know your limits, express your concerns, look after each other, and listen to the captain.

  • Special drinks, food, or medicine should not be introduced to other paddlers.

  • No illegal drugs or alcohol are allowed on the voyage. Paddlers showing signs of being under the influence will not be allowed to participate.


Canoe Changes (Voyaging):

  • Seat 2 and 4 always support the iako unless entering/exiting the canoe.

  • All crew transfers to/from the right side of the canoe one at a time.

  • Stay ama cautious and wait your turn.

  • Keep a distant hold of the canoe from the zodiac.

  • Keep hands clear of the area between the canoe and the zodiac.

  • Listen to your zodiac captain and ho`okele.

Zodiac Changes (Voyaging):

  • The zodiac captain and deckhand are in charge of doing the boat tie-up.

  • Stay clear of the tie-up area but keep the boat balanced.

  • Enter one at a time and clear the loading area.

  • Spread out on the zodiac and keep one hand on it at all times.

  • Keep hands clear of the area between the zodiac and the support boat.

  • Keep clear of the rope/tie-up zone; always be on the outside of the rope.

  • One assistant may be assigned to assist paddlers onto the vessel.

  • Always have eyes on anyone in the water.


Support Boat:

  • Know the location of first aid kits, fire extinguishers, and PFDs (life jackets).

  • Ensure there are enough life jackets.

  • Have a throw line (heaving line) and float at least 12ft long.

  • Be familiar with the ladder.

  • Know the radio location and capacity plate.

Chain of Command:

  • 1st: Captain

  • 2nd: Crew leader

  • 3rd: Ho`okele

Crew Leader Responsibilities:

  • Delegate someone to have eyes on the canoe at all times.

  • Manage crew rotation and 5-minute calls for the crew and canoe.

  • Transfer information to the steersman for consecutive changes.

  • Delegate someone to watch the time and all paddlers in the water.

  • Pass duties to a new leader if rotating into the canoe.

  • Communicate with the boat captain (using the rearview mirror).

Canoe Equipment:

  • One spare paddle on aft iako, five other paddles based on crews.

  • One steer blade; no waxed paddles.

  • Day flag on hope.

  • Night navigation light (fore iako), spotlight (aft wae).

  • Emergency dry box and water.

  • Night locator for paddlers.

  • VHF radio (seat 5 or aft wae), lanyard-based signal mirror (iako).

  • Emergency flotation PFD (behind seat 6 or under wae).

  • Huli line.

  • Three bailers.

  • A lanyard-based waterproof whistle attached to seat 6.


  1. Share the location of first aid kits, fire extinguishers, and PFDs (life jackets).

  2. Ensure there are enough life jackets.

  3. Have a throw line (heaving line) and float at least 12ft long.

  4. Make sure paddlers are familiar with the ladder.

  5. Share the radio location and capacity plate information.

  6. Chain of command: 1st captain, 2nd crew leader, 3rd ho`okele.

  7. Your crew leader is ____________________________. They will oversee:

    • Delegating someone to have eyes on the canoe at all times.

    • Managing crew rotation and 5-minute calls for the crew and canoe.

    • Transferring information to the steersman for consecutive changes.

    • Delegating someone to watch the time and all paddlers in the water.

    • Passing duties to a new leader if rotating into the canoe.

    • Communicating with the boat captain (using the rearview mirror).

  8. Conduct your own personal safety briefing and rules of your vessel.

  9. Radio: Channel 74.

  10. Attach boat number to the front RIGHT side of the boat.