As we embark on our Paddle for Life journey, it is crucial that we show respect and gratitude to the beautiful island of Lana'i and its residents. Here are some guidelines to ensure we leave a positive impact:


Always clean up after yourself. Remember to pack and bring your own plates, utensils, and a cup for meals to reduce waste and ensure you have what you need for eating. Dispose of trash properly and recycle whenever possible.

Clean Up

Leave the campground and any visited areas better than you found them. Ensure all waste is collected and disposed of correctly.

Leave No Trace

Avoid disturbing wildlife and natural habitats. Stick to designated paths and areas.

Protect Nature

Support Local Businesses

Support local businesses by purchasing goods and services from them during your stay.

Shop Locally

Be polite and respectful to local business owners and residents.

Be Respectful


Keep noise to a minimum, especially during early morning and late evening hours.

Noise Levels

Show respect for local customs and traditions. Engage with the community in a considerate and courteous manner.

Cultural Respect

Ensure your group behaves in a manner that reflects positively on the Paddle for Life event and the Pacific Cancer Foundation.

Group Behavior

By following these guidelines, we can ensure a harmonious and respectful visit to Lana'i, making our journey meaningful for both participants and the local community.