Discover the inspiring journey of how this meaningful event began, its profound impact on the community, and the heartfelt stories that continue to drive our mission forward.

The Beginning of Paddle for Life

In 2009, the Pacific Cancer Foundation embarked on a remarkable journey inspired by the Pink Paddlers of Mana’olana, a group of breast cancer survivors who found healing through paddling, chant, laughter, and friendship. This is the story of how Paddle for Life began and evolved into the powerful event it is today.


After paddling with the Pink Paddlers, Uncle Kimokeo was inspired to take them on an extraordinary canoe voyage across the 'Au'au channel and around the island of Lana’i. Despite initial skepticism about the difficulty and danger for cancer survivors, Uncle Kimokeo believed in their strength and resilience. He brought this bold idea to Jeff Scharnhorst at the Pacific Cancer Foundation. Jeff immediately recognized the potential of the journey, knowing that cancer survivors had already navigated some of life’s roughest waters. The vision was clear: the journey through cancer is a voyage, not a race, and our paddlers embodied this spirit.

Organizing the First Voyages

The inaugural Paddle for Life voyages were led by Uncle Kimokeo, Anela Gutierrez, and Jeff Scharnhorst. They organized canoes, teams, escort boats, and safety boats, and coordinated logistics such as gasoline, food, camping, t-shirts, fundraising, and fun. These early efforts laid the foundation for a legacy of inspiration and support.

Uncle Kimokeo and Jeff Scharnhorst together on Lana'i at the 4th Annual Paddle for Life in 2012. 

Inspiring Thousands and Raising Millions

Over the past 15 years, Paddle for Life has inspired thousands of participants and raised millions of dollars to support the cancer 'ohana across Maui, Lana'i, and Moloka'i. The event has become a beacon of hope, celebrating the resilience of cancer survivors and honoring those affected by cancer.

Uncle Kimokeo’s Last Voyage

This year, we honor Uncle Kimokeo as he leads Paddle for Life one last time. Together with Anela and Jeff, the original organizers are back to guide the event. Join us in celebrating this milestone and paying tribute to Uncle Kimokeo’s unwavering spirit and dedication.

Uncle Kimokeo, Anela, and Jeff together at Uncle's 73rd birthday celebration a few years back.


Whether you are new to Paddle for Life or have been with us from the beginning, we invite you to join this inspirational voyage. Let’s come together to honor cancer survivors, those who came before us, and our hero, Uncle Kimokeo. Remember, "it’s a voyage, not a race."